Changes the online world
The win-win strategy was developed from its inception
The Win/Win process has four steps.
- See the problem from the other point of view, in terms of the needs and concerns of the other party.
- Identify the key issues and concerns (not positions) involved.
- Determine what results would make a fully acceptable solution.
- Identify new options to achieve those results.
You can only achieve Win/Win solutions with Win/Win procedures. Win/Win is not a personality technique. It's a total paradigm of human interaction.
21 Basic Reasons to invest in that will change the online world as we know it!
- pays you instantly for the things you do online. (A Searchometer is found on all NCOG pages and ads)
- Search tokens Currency & Searchometer display. (tokens are valued up to $1.00 - Over 1 Million items to choose from)
- Exchange Center displays real-time tokens values (Special algorithms keep the currency in a constant state of flux based on tokens traded, tokens outstanding, and NCOG real-time calculations of profit and loss to the bottom line.) (Found on all NCOG pages)
- captures online market share (Products arrive in 3-7 days at a member’s door)
- Profiles its users and displays the most relevant ad content in the history of the internet, both on & Partner sites. NCOG has a built-in platform that produces the highest conversion rate for its advertisers and affiliates, showing the right ads to the right visitors guarantees the very highest conversion rate and quick ROI. (Never before has there been a platform profiling resource to serve the folks creating the online activity of the internet. NCOG serves everyone involved, all marketers, and the sites and pages they are responsible for. Overall Conversion rates are much higher than ever before in history.) (You decide what your customer looks like, we deliver!) automatically asks its members questions about themselves, what there interests, hobbies, environmental, concerns, insurance, finances, household, work, family, etc. Preferences are stored on Our proprietary database stores all the collected answers in each user's profile.
NCOG can distinguish the person that is looking to buy Auto Insurance, Apparel, Coffee, etc from the person who is less likely to purchase because they do not own for example a pet, so they have no interest in pet meds and because they don’t smoke they are not interested in viewing a how to quit smoking ad and because no one related to them is a diabetic they are not interested in viewing diabetic ads however if they have an old dog are diabetic and smoke cigarettes they very well would be consumers of products related to there profile. Those would be ads that would be in view within their online experience.
Members enjoy answering the questions because they earn tokens for each answer instantly and as an added benefit to the member, removes the clutter of ads from its member’s online experience. NCOG "marks" its visitor's profiles according to their interests.
- Advertisers simply describe their ideal customer profile and TeamGNE will mine its profile database to produce a list of those members who already fit the advertiser's & affiliates' criteria. NCOG handles this task easily. (Purchasable list)
- A list of questions is produced to cultivate additional NCOG members fitting any desired profile.
Moreover, the Q&A Profiling Platform can be used by for its own personal and marketing needs. and all its Partner Websites always recognize NCOG Members (This allows partner sites to display ads relating to their visitor's profiles as well as ads that are related to the content on their sites, creating a much higher conversion rate) We should create a way for affiliates to create their questions and purchase tokens and as well as add their ad to the answers. I understand this is for the future and or after funding but we should discuss it as it makes complete sense
- Referrer ID System (override all those you refer for 1 year) (All members will be encouraged to use NCOG tools to create their networks. NCOG only allows the 1st level override.)
- Gift Cards (Pre-sale of tokens)
At the Affiliate Conventions across the U.S. during NCOG's first few conferences, we will focus on the Pre Sale of Search tokens. (Creating a reserve worth millions of dollars that will be used to market develop and secure as an icon in the online world.)
Search tokens are very similar to Frequent Flyer tokens. (Each year credit card companies pre-pay the airlines billions of dollars for Frequent Flyer tokens. There is more money in this for the airlines in some cases the airline itself. In 2007 American Airlines pre-sold 3 billion dollars in tokens to Credit Card Companies. It is very common for airlines to sell on average 500 million dollars in tokens to Credit Card companies. You see this still today in TV commercials every day from American Express, Discover, and Visa.)
(On average the value of a Frequent Flyer token is 1 - 2 cents per token. Search tokens can be traded as they are earned in real-time. Search tokens are valued from part of a penny to as much as $1.00 each. There is NO 45 - 90 day wait to receive a check, no minimum to have $25.00 in a user account before a request to have a check or gift card delivered to the user, no earning a discount or money back from participation in different promotions. With members need not wait to be compensated all members are compensated in real time Win/Win with
- Teaches the Masses to be marketers. See how many tokens you earned in real time with each tool.
Within the My Account section of NCOG, there is a tab called My tokens when this tab is in focus the user will see a list of tools similar to this below.
(See what tools you are not getting paid from and click the tool’s link and follow the easy 1, 2, 3 steps & videos to greater tokens Nirvana. Not a few but all members become affiliates and advertisers with
tokens earned from (More tools than those listed below.)
Personal Web Searches - 150
Toolbar Searches - 80
Toolbar Ads - 750
Toolbar Network - 45,000
Search Boxes - 0
Text Links - 500
Display Ads - 0
Contextual Ads - 3,000
Gift Card Referrals - 1,200
Widgets - 45,000
Personal Purchases - 45
Network Over-Rides Purchases – 60,000
Static Banners and Creative - 0
Telling us about you - 400
NCOG Comparison Engine - 0
Offline tokens - 0
Loyalty Programs - 0
Credit Card tokens - 5,525
tokens Earned This Month - 161,650
Members can view with a glance which tools they are earning tokens with as well as the tools they have not yet used to earn more tokens.
Members can implement these additional tools to earn tokens faster.
(Each of the tools listed is clickable to a video and easy 1, 2, and 3 processes explaining how to use the selected tool and how to earn additional tokens with the selected tool.)
- The viewer potential created by the current average person's Search tokens value to TV Financial News Networks will be priceless in determining their rankings. (Stocks are held by a small percentage of Americans, however, since the Value of Search tokens will reflect its real-time value and 10’s millions will have tokens. There will be easy access to the creation of buzz marketing within the TV Broadcast Networks doing all they can to capture market share. NCOG will easily join the A -Tier in online search within its first 6 months. The A-Tier Consist of AOL, Google, Yahoo, MSN, and it takes 50 million searches a month to get to this level. Many things can affect the real-time value of search tokens and all tokens are tied to the NCOG bottom line. As an example PawnGNE has the ability to purchase 10s or even 100’s millions of tokens at a fraction of their real-time value thus greatly increasing the average real-time tokens value.)
- has a 0% online marketing cost.
(Spend a million dollars driving traffic to NCOG and the million dollars will be returned to in 45 days.) The cost to drive visitors to NCOG is less than the revenue collected from visitors to NCOG. Just the act of a new visitor registration with reaps more revenue than the cost to get that single registration membership. NCOG has countless ways listed below to offset any marketing expense it may create online with both members and nonmembers.
- Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights: All are well-researched to make sure no patents, trademarks, or applications were filed or previously existed that would intrude on filings. All filings have been in good standing since 2007. This is worth a fortune in itself to as they were filed by the best attorneys Orlando had to offer. We can think of many large online corporations that will be frustrated as time goes on and the chance the gamble and or cost of infringing on these filings could be catastrophic to these corporations’ stockholders and their bottom line. To compete online one of's advantages is that it pays everyone for everything they do online in real-time. There are currently no online players doing this as it is unique to
- tokens are Valued up to $1.00 - Over a Million Items to choose from! (Name brand items)
- is the world's most Powerful Meta Search Engine (Choose from 1 or all your favorite engines at once)
- The NCOG Comparison Engine Marketing Benefit.
Example: will list every item for sale within the Outlet Center with most of the online Comparison Engines. (Keyword marketing for most items is very inexpensive and this will be a powerful marketing tool for The keyword marketing tools will not allow the system to overbid any keyword. All items used in marketing via keywords only display when the item is profitable this is done automatically in real-time. (Over a million items)
- Comparison Engine and all Members/Partners with online Store Fronts like,, Sears, Wal-Mart, JC Penny, etc can also participate in our Merchant Program (Display their company and its items for sale within the Comparison Engine Results) All partners can upload all their items. The beautiful thing about this is that when a visitor or member selects the buttons Compare Price and or the View tokens Details to view and compare any of the OVER 1 MILLION ITEMS for sale within the Outlet Center the comparison engine of will then display not only the NCOG price and how many tokens will be paid with each dollar spent but also list many other online stores selling that item along with their price and how many tokens can be earned with each dollar spent with that competitor. Anytime a visitor or member clicks and purchases from a competitor listed will be earning revenue. The member will have not traded any tokens and this is a benefit to
- The Reward System and the Referrer ID are key elements in the Win/Win model!!!
All NCOG members, Affiliates, and Advertisers have been assigned a NCOG ID this ID is also used as a Refer ID and is an integral part of the Reward System. The NCOG ID is passed into all ads displayed on it is used to apply tokens earned from NCOG Affiliates and Advertisers to a member's account. All nonregistered members are assigned a temporary NCOG ID thus tokens can be assigned to Registered and nonregistered members and displayed within the Searchometer that exists on all NCOG pages.
- considers its Affiliates Advertisers and Registered Members to all be Partners. All registered members have immediate access to all types of online tools that can be used to enhance members' online pages the benefits of using these tools are many. We will attempt to describe an overall view of the benefits of using the tools and mention a few examples of how a NCOG Partner would benefit by adding these tools to their online pages and or simply participating in NCOG online links such as Earn Big tokens, Surveys and or a mountain of other opportunities either not listed here and or not conceived of just yet!
- Earn tokens online & offline every time you use your NCOG Credit Card: NCOG will soon offer its Credit Cards and with the Credit Card should the user spend a dollar offline it will be matched and appear within their Searchometer as quickly as there bank updates their online bank account) (Spend $100.00 = 100 tokens at say a restaurant, store, etc.
- Partnership agreements: Because of the Power of and its unique ability to drive millions of eyeballs daily, there is an endless supply of developers that have designed very nice applications online. Although there are many reasons developers and companies, in general, want to partner with NCOG, most developers cannot market the tools they have created; they constantly want to partner with NCOG. This is an excellent opportunity for NCOG to embrace partnering to maintain an expediential growth rate.
- Business Relationships: One of the early designs within was to develop ways to make it easy for anybody or any company to transact business with one of the ways does this is to utilize what’s called, Application Programming Interfaces (API’s) because of this currently has developed 1000’s of relationships with brand name company’ already and upon launch this number will rise experientially as the connectors are built in to make it easy for all types of company’s be it an advertiser publisher storefront developer or any type of business to just get excited about having a relationship with
- NCOG: With over 5,000 resorts worldwide and tokens valued at up to $1.00 each and tapping into the minds of founders, who themselves have almost 50 years in the travel business producing well over 100 million dollars a year in sales it is no wonder the designers immediately gave The title of
(The most Revolutionary Vacation Planning Experience ever!!!)